Tuesday, April 27, 2010


That's because it has been raining in New Jersey for what feels like forever. There's nothing worse than getting a nice taste of warm weather, playing outside ALL.DAY.LONG with your kiddos, and then having it taken away for a week straight! There's only so much you can play inside. Kids get bored pretty easily. Except when they're outside. Well, this morning when I woke up, it was pretty gloomy. So, after Nicky's nap, I packed everyone up and headed out to Babies r us and Toy r us to use up some (greatly appreciated) gift cards that the kids got for Christmas and their birthdays. Unfortunately, I only had one in my purse when I got there. I was going to get Alex some pajamas and Nicky an adorable outfit I saw, but that was no fun for the kiddos. So we left babies r us and headed to toys r us. We ended up getting an awesome moonsand kit. I've been meaning to get that for Emily for awhile. It looks pretty cool. I think we're going to try it out after I'm done this post so Emily, Alex, and I can play without Nicky destroying the whole thing!!! We also got a wacky sprinkler thing for the kids to play with in the front yard. They will have a pool in the back, but I thought a sprinkler would be nice for the front and their friends could play too. Nicky was also not letting go of some light up spinny globe thing (that we already have several of), so we walked out with that as well. He usually doesn't get so attached to things so I figured he wanted it pretty bad. But seconds after we got in the car, it was on the floor and he hasn't looked for it since.....Which I knew would happen, but he was pretty miserable in the store, so I caved. Anyway, Nicky is sleeping and I'm off to play moonsand with the kiddos. Talk to ya'll soon!

Monday, April 26, 2010


Back to schedules, doctors, dentists, registrations, stores, and running around between naps with 3 little ones....I shouldn't complain though because this week really isn't that bad. Today Emily has preschool from 9-12pm and then at 12:30 she has one of her last 2 (for awhile), dentist appointements. I'm not sure if they're going to do her cap or her spacer today. But after these last 2 appointments, she is done until september!!! Yay! Back to what I was saying........So dentist today and my sister and Jordan are supposed to come tomorrow. She is coming tomorrow to watch the boys while I take Emily for her Kindergarten registration at 2;15pm. I guess I could take the boys and have them sit in the double stroller, load them up with snacks and pray they don't get antsy, but I'm not sure the lady I'm meeting with would appreciate that! Although, when I had to bring them to my doctors appoinment, they were very, very well behaved. I love them.......Then Wednesday or Thursday I'll have to bring Sam and Jordan home. Friday and Saturday Matt has off from Wawa, but I think he has to work full days with Peter. Ugh. Saturday I'm thinking about attempting to take the kids to Storybook Land.....yes- by myself....But don't tell Emily yet, because she doesn't know and I'm not 100 % sure we're going. So, that's what our week looks like. I also will be doing a post about this weekend and the birthday party Emily went to, but like usual, my camera is out of batteries and I don't have any more right now. If you have kids I'm sure you understand. EVERY.SINGLE.THING. they have needs batteries. ::sigh:: Ok, well Emily is up and sitting next to me and I hear my boys moving around in their room, so I have to go. I'll be back with a post about this weekend! Have a great Monday everyone.

***update*** We're home from the dentist and I'm happy to say that they were able to do Emily's crown AND put her spacer in today!!!! So if you've been reading- you know that means Emily and Alex are now done with the dentist until September. Yay! I think we've been there every week for almost the past 2 months....She did very good, however, she is in some pain from the crown (which they said is normal) and she says she can't sleep with the spacer, so we'll see how tonight goes. Good thing thing the poker game we were trying to orchestrate fell through!!! Anyway, I'm sorry, but I have not had a chance to get batteries yet, but since a post is not a post without pics, I will leave you with some from a few days ago.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I think these are the sweetest pictures ever! Every night right before bed, Nicky likes to climb in bed with Alex while we say our prayers. Then, they give each other hugs and kisses. (Emily usually sits on the floor right by us and when the boys are done saying goodnight to each other, she then kisses and hugs each of them) They are so sweet I could just eat them all up. I'm sad to see them grow up so quickly, but loving each and every new experience that growing up brings!!!
They are the 2 most adorable, sweet little boys I have ever, EVER laid my eyes on!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010


Just wanted to let everyone know that Alex did wonderful at the dentist today. He was perfectly fine until they called him back- then he started crying a little. Not too bad though. Once he was done and they called me back, they said he stopped crying as soon as he got in the room and started watching Toy Story. Like I had hoped for, they were able to fill both his cavities in one visit. So....3 fillings and almost $200 later, Alex is done until his next checkup in September!!! That's all for now. I have to go clean up the mess Alex and Nicky made this morning right before we were about to leave. Matt also has off tomorrow and Emily has her kindergarten registration at 2:15pm. Did I just say kindergarten? Oh my gosh......where did 5 years go? :(

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Friday afternoon when Matt got home, we had a bbq and then we watched the flyers. Emily has been incessantly begging for daddy to "make hotdogs outside". Unfortunately, it was raining so we couldn't eat outside. It wasn't really all that warm anyway. Saturday, we went to the Earth Day Celebration at the park. We went from 10-1, then we played on the playground for a little bit. It was so much fun. Nicky sat in the stroller until we got to the playground because he wasn't feeling all that well. Emily got a butterfly painted on her face. She was so excited. It was the first time she had her face painted by anyone but me. Obviously it looked a heck of a lot better than anything I've ever slopped on her face, lol. Then Em and Alex dug for turtle eggs at the Cape May County zoo tent. They also saw horses, shark teeth, bugs, and got to make really cute pine cone bird feeders. We were going to let Emily get a pony ride, but the ponies were more like full grown, enormous, tall stallions!!! So we passed. We also got to see cute little kittens, doggies, and parrots. There was also some live music. After we were done walking around, we got some food and ate at one of the pavillions. Then we headed to the playground a little bit. We came home and relaxed for the rest of the day. After I put the kiddies to bed, Matt and I ordered some pizza and watched Bedtime Stories. It was cute. Matt had work today and I just cleaned up and took the kids for a little walk. Now I'm just doing some laundry. Emily has school tomorrow and Alex has a dentist appointment tomorrow at 1pm. Hopefully, they can fill his 2 cavities in this visit so he doesn't have to go back again until his routine cleaning. But, he got a little bit upset last time, so it's going to probably take 2 visits. I feel like all I ever talk about is the dentist!!! But, you need your teeth to eat and it's a bonus if they look nice!!! I started paying extra special attention to Nicky's early enough that he, hopefully, won't have any cavities on his first visit.....which I will wait until he turns 2 to do. And not that I didn't pay extra special attention to yours Emily and Alex, but I wasn't as crazy as I am about it now. I handed you guys the toothbrush, and thought you were doing a good enough job...HA. not anymore..Anyway, enough about teeth. I have to go take another benadryl, flip some laundry, find my phone before Matt calls, (maybe) eat something, and relax and watch Flyers overtime!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


That's what I am going to least for the next week or so. Matt will be home tomorrow afternoon, and weather depending, we will hopefully be barbecuing for the flyers game. Then, he has off Saturday and there is an Earth Day Celebration at Washington Lake Park. They're going to be having games and activities for the little ones, vendors, food, 4h animals, etc., etc. So hopefully the weather holds out for that too!!! Come on can do it. Sunday- My mom, Sam, Jordan, and Paulie are supposed to come down for the night for my mom's birthday dinner. Her birthday was April 1st, but this is the first chance we've had to celebrate. Monday, Emily has school and then Alex has a dentist appointment at 1:30pm. Then Tuesday, Matt requested off and Emily also has her kindergarten registration that day at 2:15. On to Wednesday- if my family didn't come Sunday and Monday, then Wednesday and Thursday are the back up days. So, next week is a little bit busy. I still owe you guys some Easter pics of the kids and I promise to get around to it asap. Enjoy your weekend everyone. I'll be back soon!!!

In  case I don't blog before Tuesday......
                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY APRIL MARIE
                                 3lbs 3oz
I'm still not ready and may never be able to write about you and talk about you for everyone to read/hear, but since this blog is about the most important people in my life, Happy Birthday angel. I love you with all my heart and I still think about you all the time and wish you were here. I love you sweet girl.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


...or somewhere like it- with my 4 favorite people. Playing in the sand and water with nothing else to do or think about except for what our next meal will be. No more running around, no work, no dentist, no doctor's, no cooking, cleaning, NO NOTHING!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Bubbles, Bubbles....    


Emily dressed him!!! Fire hat and knee pads, lol.


I know, I know- I'm a little behind. Part busyness. Part laziness. Easter weekend started off with Matt, the kids and I, sleeping in Margate at Mom-mom and Pop-pop's house on Friday.....How's that for a run-on sentence? Anyway, the kids went to sleep fairly well Friday night. Thank you child-proof door handle things!!! Then, we woke up Saturday morning and Matt had to go to work. We decided to wait for Daddy to get done and they we could all drive home together since we all had to be back down on Sunday for Easter at Grandmom and Grandpop's.....An even bigger run-on sentence.  So, while we waited for Daddy to get done, we dyed eggs with Mom-mom. Minus Nicky who was taking a nap. The kids had alot of fun. Somewhere during the egg dying process, Alex managed to mix some colors together and he then morphed into the blue-green alien with a spotted tummy!!! After we were all cleaned up, we moved onto the Easter egg rice krispie treats. Emily had more fun doing this than Alex. Mom-mom and I had all the krispie treats shaped into eggs and cooled. The kids were supposed to dip the tips into melted chocolate and then into sprinkles. Alex did one, but then decided it looked to good to put down. So he ate it. Me, Emily, and mom-mom finished. They looked really cute and they were really fun, easy, and tasty!!! So, after that was done, I had to go out and try to find Easter baskets......nothing like waiting til the last minute, but SOMEONE, I'm not mentioning names, threw last years out. I guess only tools and manly things are allowed in the shed! lol. While I was out looking for said Easter baskets, Mom-mom and Pop-pop walked all the kids to the playground. Then I got back and we were just waiting for Daddy. On the way home we stopped at Walmart to get some last minute things. Then we got home, I bathed the kids, put them to bed, then I had to put their Easter baskets together. Then, I cleaned up and Matt and I went to bed. Moving onto Sunday.......Emily woke up very early-she was so excited for the Easter bunny.  10 minutes later, she couldn't wait any longer so I had to wake the boys. They loved their baskets!!! Then after breakfast, Matt took the kids upstairs so I could hide the eggs outside. I hid 27 total I think. Alex and Emily found about the same amount. Nicky found one and spent the whole time trying to open it and get what was inside. Then around 12:30pm, we packed up and headed down to Margate. We took Daddy to his car and then he went to work. Then me and the kids headed to Grandmom's. We had alot of fun and it was nice to sit and relax with everyone. I really wish Matt could have been there, although I am grateful he got to spend Easter morning with the kids. Phew---that felt like a tremendous amount of information.  Trying to make up for lost time I guess.  Easter part two is just going to be some pictures of the kids in their Easter outfits. It was a crazy busy weekend, with ALOT of driving, but overall, it was very nice. I'm just happy I got to spend time with the 4 people I love most in this world. HAPPY BELATED EASTER EVERYONE.

Blue-Green Alien

Finished product

Thanks Easter Bunny
I'm gonna be so so so sad when the Easter comes where they don't want to do their egg hunt and they aren't as excited to get their Easter baskets....

P.S.-- Happy Birthday baby Caroline!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I know I've been m.i.a----but it's been super, crazy busy. So much to do for the past week. Yesterday and today were the first days the kids have had to relax. They've been drug here, there and everywhere. We've just been playing outside all day for 2 days now. Just letting them relax, breathe fresh air,  play and get back on the right sleeping schedules. It's seemed to help with their colds. They were sick for about 10 days and the bug just kept lingering. I definitely think being home and getting back on the regularly scheduled program has helped!!! I have alot of things around the house I should be doing right now because, like I said, we've been outside ALL DAY for the past 2 days. But- I promise to do a post soon on Easter and all that's been going on. Oh- and of course- pictures. Until then....