Sunday, March 28, 2010


It's Sunday and we should be in church, but Matt and I still haven't decided on one. Matt wants the kids to go to Catholic church. I, however, am not Catholic and want to take them to Christian church. I've yet to find a church that has a family room that we can all listen from just in case the kids don't want to go with all the other kids. Unfortunately though, Emily and Alex are sick and we wouldn't be going anywhere anyway. That's why I say deja vu- it feels like they just got done being sick.  Alex has a cough, sore throat, fever and he got sick once this morning, but that may have been due to milk overload, because he woke up at 1am and wanted NOTHING else. I felt it was better to give him the little bit of milk he wanted so he would get his rest afterwards as opposed to getting himself all worked up and not going back to sleep if I gave him water. So, he got sick this morning and now Emily has started complaining of sore throat and headaches. She's not really eating, but she doesn't have a fever and she's currently running around. Nicky is currenlty germ free. I feel like I may be getting something, which is inevitable. How can I not hug and kiss my poor, sweet, sick little babies when they need it the most? I don't go out of my way to get sick and I'm not reckless, but it usually doesn't work. But I will tell you that is 100 times harder to take care of sick kids when you feel awful yourself. UGH.  :(  Anyway, for those of you that don't know, I had to cancel my eye dr appointment on Friday because of Alex. It is rescheduled for Monday at 2:30pm. I hope when the doctor looks she has nothing but good things to say, because I really don't feel like her doing anymore of ANYTHING under there. lol. Emily and Alex also have another dentist appointment scheduled for next week, but I think I'm going to reschedule that. They just went last week, they're sick, and I still have to get Emily's Easter dress and shoes, Alex's outfit, and shoes for both the boys. I also have to get their Easter baskets put together. I love, love, love doing their Easter basket. I think I'll be getting the majority of the stuff from Walgreens and Walmart. I love each of (non-candy) selections for Easter basket stuff. I also like to get them each a matching shirt usually from Target. The boys usually get the same shirt and Emily gets a similar one in a girl color. We also have to do our Easter egg dying. Our neighbor gave us some regular Easter egg dye, but I was trying to find something different this year. something more exciting....Well, Emily and Alex just came over and want to sit on my lap. I also have to get Nicky down for a nap, unload the dishwasher, and finish the laundry, so I must go...........wish it was nice out.......

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I'm leaving you all with a quick update because I'm very busy. Tuesday I had an appt with my endocrinologist for my thyroid. I haven't seen him since I had it removed last June. He was very pleased with the barely visible scar. My neck looks completely different now. I hadn't noticed how big it was until it was removed. According to my dr, it was 3 times the size of an average person....Yikes. He also checked my vision. Even at my worst, my vision was still 20-30. Now that I've had surgery it should be back 20-20. My eyes also used to get blurry alot and I would have poor down vision. Anyway, he said that everything is fine now. He said he felt bad because most of the thyroid patients he sees, never have to have surgery. I've had to have 2.....Stupid thyroid....who knew it could cause so many problems. Moving on to Wednesday- Emily and Alex each had a cavity filled. Alex didn't need any novacaine because his was soooo small. I could tell when they brought him out that he had been crying, but they said it was before they gave him lauging gas. They both did great. Friday morning I have to go back to Will's eye so they check my eye. It looks and feels great and I am very happy. I'm just dreading them having to look underneath my eyelid with that hook thing......*shudder*.....Then, Matt and I are going to see Alice in Wonderland at 3pm, then come home and have some yummy, delicious chicken parm. Did I say yummy? Ok, well I really have to go now. That was supposed to be a quick update, but- there I go rambling again. Have a nice weekend everybody!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Since I (regrettably) didn't start this blog when Emily was born, I'm a bit behind on it and I probably will be for awhile- hence the title. Anyway, better late than never.

Dear Emily,
        You are 5 years old now and I cannot believe it. My pregnancy with you was such a happy surprise. You were such a happy baby that always wanted daddy, I mean mommy!!! You've grown to be such a beautiful, smart, funny, happy, kind, loving little girl. You have brought soooo much happiness to your daddy and I. At this point in time, you love drawing/coloring, playing dinosaurs with Alex, playing your "running game", which for those of you who don't know, consists of Emily acting out something she has seen on tv while running from one end of the house to the other, lol, catching butterflies, you also love all animals...keep begging daddy for that puppy or kitten and I'm sure he'll cave soon! You love to play in the front yard, not the back yard, so you can play with all your friends.....which, by the way, you have so many of because you are the sweetest little girl I have ever known. You enjoy going to preschool and your teacher, Miss Joanne, always talks about how much she adores you and how far you've come socially since starting there. I mentioned that you like drawing but I didn't mention how good you are at it. I know I'm slightly biased, but you really are a great little artist. You're also always there to help me whenever I need it. You are so compassionate and I can see it in your eyes how much you truly care for others. I also love that you are a girly girl tomboy......clarification= you love Disney princessess, dresses, jewelry, hair but you will also play sports, trucks, dinosaurs, and I'm sure if I told you to go for it, you would roll around in mud!!! Thank you for being such a perfect little angel. I'm sure I left lots out, but as I think of it, I'll tell you in person! I love you and Happy 5th Birthday!!!

Dear Alexander,
         You are 3 years old now. It feels very strange because I feel like you are still my little baby boy with crazy curly hair. You were THE happiest little guy EVER. (not from the ages 0-8months, however. You were a terror, sweet boy!) Anyway, I feel like some of your babyhood was taken away becasue you and Nicholas are only 18 months apart. You were my little buddy bear. When I came home from the hospital with Nicky, it felt like you had aged a year. You seemed smarter and wiser, lol. It made me sad. You have been officially potty trained for a month now. You have not even worn a diaper to bed........and you haven't had any accidents in awhile either. You also are ga ga, (pacifier), free!!!.....dentists' orders!.....You are a big boy now and I'm sad. At least you still need your blankie and turtle, that makes me happy. You are a boys boy. You're favorites are trucks and dinosaurs. You also love dirt, balls, sports, running around like crazy, and ransacking the kitchen. All in all, you are a very good boy. You're so handsome and sweet and I love when you tell me that I'm your girl. I know you won't tell me that for too much longer, but it makes me so happy! You love playing with Emily and I love it when you 2 play so nicely together. People always want to know about the big milestones like crawling, walking, talking, etc., but it's the little moments they probably will never know about, that mean the most. The moments that a mommy never wants to forget. I guess that's all for now. I could go on forever, but eventually, my hands would start hurting. So instead, I'm gonna go upstairs where my sleeping angel babies lie, and give you all a hug and kiss. I love you Alexander Panda, formerly known as Buddy Bear.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I warned you that I wouldn't be able to.....I don't even know where to start, lol. Well, the day I have been waiting over 2 years for, has come and gone...I finally had my eye surgery on Monday. I was a nervous wreck. We got there around 7:40am and we didn't have to wait very long. ******WARNING****** I'm about to describe in detail, my surgery. If you are squeamish, please stop reading now. Ok, so- they called me back and started putting several types of numbing drops in my eye. Then, they had to put a needle full of local aneastethic? directly into my eyelid. Then they walked out of the room to allow my numbing agents time to start working. That's when I heard Matt tell the dr that I was very nervous and then, and ONLY THEN, did the dr tell the nurse to get me something to help me relax. I am completly confident that they weren't going to give me anything at all!!!!!! I find it crazy that they could not see my uncontrollably shaking hands. Well, the nurse came back with- wait for it- 5mg of valium!!! I'm not a valium expert, but I knew that wasn't going to be enough....and it sure wasn't. I didn't feel any different. I was still just as nervous and shaky, but I didn't want to sound weird asking for more, so I prayed that I would be strong enough to get through it. Anyway, this is the gross, graphic part of the story, so I will remind you of the earlier warning. The dr and nurse came back in, reclined my chair, shone the biggest, brightest light in my eyes and gave me 2 tension balls to squeezee. Then, they told me to look down and then the dr got some sort of tool to flip my eyelid and then hold it that way. Then, I heard scissors snipping the muscle under my eyelid. I believe it's called the levator muscle. She snipped it from one corner to the other. As she was snipping, the nurse was using a machine that I don't remember the name of to burn what the dr was cutting to stop the bleeding. I could hear and feel my eyelid muscle being snipped and burnt. I told you it was gross. Ugh. It makes me nauseous thinking about it. So, then they left me in the room for a moment, went to talk about geese and then came back to check me. Dr decided she needed to do a little more. So, so flipped, snipped and burnt again. Only this time, I guess some of the medicine had worn off because the pain I felt when they were burning it was unlike anything I had ever felt before. I started crying and so they gave me yet another needle in my eyelid. Proceeded. Left room. Came back. Decided she still was.not.done!!!! She did a little bit more then she finished and moved me into another room where they forced me to eat a graham cracker so I could take pain medicine. Then, they called Matt in to sit with me for a little bit so they could ice my eye and make sure there was no excessive bleeding. Then, they patched me up and sent me home. It was awful!!!! I am so grateful to be done with it. Oh my gosh, you have no idea!!! I went home and for some reason was still having a little pain so I took 3 tylenol and that was it for the day. As soon as Sam and my mom went home, I was out for the rest of the day. So now- 3 days later, all I'm left with is a tiny bit of swelling and a black eye. I have to put ointment into it twice a day for now, and that's about all. I'm very happy with the way it turned out and that I don't have a scar. I guess that's the benefit of doing the work on the inside of the lid. Anyway, enough about that. I don't really have any kid updates or pictures. We're very excited about the nice weather and we got ice cream from the ice cream truck for the first time this year. We went to Target earlier to pick up a birthday gift for one of the kids' friends and then we came home and played outside with bubbles allllll day. Emily is very excited for easter egg hunting at Storybook land and to go swimming. Every day this week that the sun was out, she put her bathing suit on and bugged Matt and I incessantly to set up the pool. Lol. Well, the kids are done their ice cream now so I have to clean them up and get them ready for bed. Hopefully, I'll have more pleasant updates and pictures soon! If not, enjoy the sunny weekend!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


This will probably be my last post for almost 2 weeks. Matt has off Wawa tomorrow, but has some extra work to do all day, so I'll be taking Emily to school, cleaning, doing laundry, and getting the house ready for when I'm incapacitated! Matt also has off on Saturday and we're supposed to go to the St. Patrick's Day parade in Atlantic City, however, we're suposed to have torrential downpours. Sunday, Matt has work at noon, and I have to drag 3 babies to PA to pick up my mom and Sam so they can watch the babies Monday morning. My surgery is at 7:30am so, Matt and I have to leave around 6:45am. Then, I get to experience the joy of having eye surgery while awake!!! I promise you all that I am going to be a shaky, nervous wreck, and I have no idea how I'm going to get through it, lol. I then, get to wear a patch for 24 hours. Matt has all next week off, which will be good, just in case I'll need him longer. I'm hoping I feel somewhat normal after I can take the patch off. I don't know if I will have stitches. I didn't ask many questions, which is totally out of character for me, but I just don't want the answers. I don't want to know what they're gonna do. It would be a different story if I was going to be put under.- Then, I would thoroughly investigate like usual. I just don't want to be laying there awake knowing every move they're making. NO.THANKS! Anyway, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who offered whatever help they could, it means alot. I wonder how swollen/bruised my eye will be 3 days after surgery. That's when I'm supposed to pick which of Emily's school pictures I want to buy. I could leave it completely up to Matt, but knowing me, I'm gonna make him drive me, and I'm going to drag myself in there and scare all the little kids. lol. I just really want to see all the pictures. I don't know. Well, I guess that's all and you are all caught up. Sorry if I gave you guys too much (gross) information. Say a prayer or keep your fingers crossed for me! Also keep your fingers crossed that it doesn't rain the way it's supposed to and we keep getting beautiful days like the ones we've been having. Grey's Anatomy is on now, so I'm going to go escape reality for an hour or two. Goodnight.

                   p.s.- I don't have any new pics, so I'm just gonna throw in some old ones.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I am absolutely loving the nice, sunny days we have been having. Unfortunately, Matt had some extra work to do on Friday, so he really only had Saturday off. So, we took the kids for a walk yesterday and then when the boys woke up from naps, we went to Old Navy for St. Patricks Day shirts for the kids. I got Emily and Nicholas one, but they always run out of holiday shirts in Alex's size, so guess I'll try Target. After Old Navy, we went to Walmart, which was mobbed, then we went to The Dump. We played outside alot so far today, and will go out more when Nicky and Alex wake up. Then tomorrow after I pick up Emily from school we're headed right BACK. TO. THE. DENTIST. ugh, I'm sick of that place, lol. Emily has her teeth cleaning at 12:30 and Alex at 1pm. Hopefully, all goes well with Alex. This is his first trip. I know he has 1 cavity on his last back tooth, but I think, (knock on wood), that is all he has. Darn soft enamel......Seems like an appropriate time to request little to no candy for the kids on Easter. Especially no jelly beans. I will give them a few like I usually do, because what is a life without some jelly beans? lol. Anyway, besides the dentist this is a pretty slow week. The calm before the storm because, starting Saturday, we have a million things going on, but I'll try to keep everyone updated!!! Sorry, I don't have any kid pictures because I haven't uploaded any onto my computer. When daddy is home, he usually had complete control over the computer at all times!!! :)


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


You're sitting on my lap right now eating the raisins that you just chose over a doughnut. Yes, that's right. I got you guys some doughnuts this morning, but you didn't get to have one before your morning nap, so I just offered you one when you woke up. You picked it up, took a tiny bite, put it back, then pointed to the cabinet. So, I opened the cabinet for you and you picked raisins. You are the cutest little thing in the whole entire world. Now you're sitting with me, eating your raisins, playing cute little games with me, smiling and scrunching your face up, and trying to pick my face off, lol.  I have to go now because you want all my attention focused on you and not the computer. I love you Nicky bear!




Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Sorry for the lack of blogging, and even more---the lack of pictures. I've been really busy and falling behind on so many things. Matt had Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday off for my surgery that didn't happen. The snow apparently was so bad that the states of New Jersey and Pennsylvania shut down, lol. So, we enjoyed being snowed in with daddy. Saturday Matt had some work to do in Absecon and he also had some to do Sunday morning as well, so we spent the night at mom-mom and pop-pop's in margate. We got home around 12pm on Sunday and we just relaxed and watched Team USA and Canada in the olympics. Emily went back to school yesterday, and Nicky, Alex, and I picked her up and went to 5 below. Em used some of her tooth fairy money to buy a yoyo and a box of princess stickers. She surprisingly saved the rest of her money.  Then we walked over to Kohls and got Alex a summer outfit, Nicky a shirt, and Emily a new shirt for her picture day which is tomorrow. Speaking of pictures, I will now leave you with a few....


Alex taking a picture of himself. He loves to play with the camera.

Enough with the pictures mommy!

I love this face.

Emily, Alex, Nicky, and Cousin Jordan
(he is only 1 month older than Nicky, but look how small my little peanut looks)

Cousin Jordan David=20 months

Thoroughly enjoying movie on computer.

p.s.- sorry for not elaborating on certain events over the past week, but I have so much to do right now and the boys are about to wake up from their nap. It's also bath night and I promised the kids in walgreens today that they could take a long, bubble bath. I owe it to them because the last couple have been quickie baths. I must go now. Enjoy the snow that is supposed to come tonight and tomorrow morning!!!