Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Since I (regrettably) didn't start this blog when Emily was born, I'm a bit behind on it and I probably will be for awhile- hence the title. Anyway, better late than never.

Dear Emily,
        You are 5 years old now and I cannot believe it. My pregnancy with you was such a happy surprise. You were such a happy baby that always wanted daddy, I mean mommy!!! You've grown to be such a beautiful, smart, funny, happy, kind, loving little girl. You have brought soooo much happiness to your daddy and I. At this point in time, you love drawing/coloring, playing dinosaurs with Alex, playing your "running game", which for those of you who don't know, consists of Emily acting out something she has seen on tv while running from one end of the house to the other, lol, catching butterflies, you also love all animals...keep begging daddy for that puppy or kitten and I'm sure he'll cave soon! You love to play in the front yard, not the back yard, so you can play with all your friends.....which, by the way, you have so many of because you are the sweetest little girl I have ever known. You enjoy going to preschool and your teacher, Miss Joanne, always talks about how much she adores you and how far you've come socially since starting there. I mentioned that you like drawing but I didn't mention how good you are at it. I know I'm slightly biased, but you really are a great little artist. You're also always there to help me whenever I need it. You are so compassionate and I can see it in your eyes how much you truly care for others. I also love that you are a girly girl tomboy......clarification= you love Disney princessess, dresses, jewelry, hair but you will also play sports, trucks, dinosaurs, and I'm sure if I told you to go for it, you would roll around in mud!!! Thank you for being such a perfect little angel. I'm sure I left lots out, but as I think of it, I'll tell you in person! I love you and Happy 5th Birthday!!!

Dear Alexander,
         You are 3 years old now. It feels very strange because I feel like you are still my little baby boy with crazy curly hair. You were THE happiest little guy EVER. (not from the ages 0-8months, however. You were a terror, sweet boy!) Anyway, I feel like some of your babyhood was taken away becasue you and Nicholas are only 18 months apart. You were my little buddy bear. When I came home from the hospital with Nicky, it felt like you had aged a year. You seemed smarter and wiser, lol. It made me sad. You have been officially potty trained for a month now. You have not even worn a diaper to bed........and you haven't had any accidents in awhile either. You also are ga ga, (pacifier), free!!!.....dentists' orders!.....You are a big boy now and I'm sad. At least you still need your blankie and turtle, that makes me happy. You are a boys boy. You're favorites are trucks and dinosaurs. You also love dirt, balls, sports, running around like crazy, and ransacking the kitchen. All in all, you are a very good boy. You're so handsome and sweet and I love when you tell me that I'm your girl. I know you won't tell me that for too much longer, but it makes me so happy! You love playing with Emily and I love it when you 2 play so nicely together. People always want to know about the big milestones like crawling, walking, talking, etc., but it's the little moments they probably will never know about, that mean the most. The moments that a mommy never wants to forget. I guess that's all for now. I could go on forever, but eventually, my hands would start hurting. So instead, I'm gonna go upstairs where my sleeping angel babies lie, and give you all a hug and kiss. I love you Alexander Panda, formerly known as Buddy Bear.

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