Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Sorry for the lack of blogging, and even more---the lack of pictures. I've been really busy and falling behind on so many things. Matt had Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday off for my surgery that didn't happen. The snow apparently was so bad that the states of New Jersey and Pennsylvania shut down, lol. So, we enjoyed being snowed in with daddy. Saturday Matt had some work to do in Absecon and he also had some to do Sunday morning as well, so we spent the night at mom-mom and pop-pop's in margate. We got home around 12pm on Sunday and we just relaxed and watched Team USA and Canada in the olympics. Emily went back to school yesterday, and Nicky, Alex, and I picked her up and went to 5 below. Em used some of her tooth fairy money to buy a yoyo and a box of princess stickers. She surprisingly saved the rest of her money.  Then we walked over to Kohls and got Alex a summer outfit, Nicky a shirt, and Emily a new shirt for her picture day which is tomorrow. Speaking of pictures, I will now leave you with a few....


Alex taking a picture of himself. He loves to play with the camera.

Enough with the pictures mommy!

I love this face.

Emily, Alex, Nicky, and Cousin Jordan
(he is only 1 month older than Nicky, but look how small my little peanut looks)

Cousin Jordan David=20 months

Thoroughly enjoying movie on computer.

p.s.- sorry for not elaborating on certain events over the past week, but I have so much to do right now and the boys are about to wake up from their nap. It's also bath night and I promised the kids in walgreens today that they could take a long, bubble bath. I owe it to them because the last couple have been quickie baths. I must go now. Enjoy the snow that is supposed to come tonight and tomorrow morning!!!

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