Sunday, March 7, 2010


I am absolutely loving the nice, sunny days we have been having. Unfortunately, Matt had some extra work to do on Friday, so he really only had Saturday off. So, we took the kids for a walk yesterday and then when the boys woke up from naps, we went to Old Navy for St. Patricks Day shirts for the kids. I got Emily and Nicholas one, but they always run out of holiday shirts in Alex's size, so guess I'll try Target. After Old Navy, we went to Walmart, which was mobbed, then we went to The Dump. We played outside alot so far today, and will go out more when Nicky and Alex wake up. Then tomorrow after I pick up Emily from school we're headed right BACK. TO. THE. DENTIST. ugh, I'm sick of that place, lol. Emily has her teeth cleaning at 12:30 and Alex at 1pm. Hopefully, all goes well with Alex. This is his first trip. I know he has 1 cavity on his last back tooth, but I think, (knock on wood), that is all he has. Darn soft enamel......Seems like an appropriate time to request little to no candy for the kids on Easter. Especially no jelly beans. I will give them a few like I usually do, because what is a life without some jelly beans? lol. Anyway, besides the dentist this is a pretty slow week. The calm before the storm because, starting Saturday, we have a million things going on, but I'll try to keep everyone updated!!! Sorry, I don't have any kid pictures because I haven't uploaded any onto my computer. When daddy is home, he usually had complete control over the computer at all times!!! :)


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