Emily's original dentist appointment was for 2:30pm, but it got bumped up to 12pm due to the wonderful weather. Luckily, daddy was able to get home early to watch the boys so I didn't have to drag them there too! Well- Emily did wonderful. I talked to her about what was going on for the past couple of days and I told her she has a sick tooth that the dentist has to help out before it makes the other teeth sick and she was completely ok with the idea. She said the only part she doesn't like is the laughing gas mask. She is such a sweet, good little girl and I love her so much. I was so nervous and shaky waiting in the waiting room. I was pacing back and forth, and I'm sure I was annoying all the other mom's waiting. She certainly did a whole lot better than I. It broke my heart for her to have to go through that. Anyway, her and Alex have appointments for March 8th for cleanings. We will also be discussing Emily's space maintainer at that time. Well, I have to go for now- Nicky is supposed to be napping, but I just heard him throw his seahorse out of his crib!!! I'll update with pictures later!
p.s.- Emily was also ok with having her "sick tooth" out because the tooth fairy said she will bring a little something extra since her tooth was so sick!!!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
that I hope will end very soon!!! This is an awful week and the worst is yet to come. It started last Friday. Emily was complaining of pain on the back left side of her mouth. I assumed it was her 6 year molars coming in since she was early in losing her two bottom front teeth. So, I gave her some oragel and tylenol, and sent her to school. She was up all night because of the pain and tylenol wasn't helping much. She then woke up saturday morning with the left side of her face swollen. So i called the doctor and he was pretty sure it was a canker sore, even though i told him there wasn't one. He said if she gets a fever to take her to the emergency room. I thought, given the swelling, he would prescribe some antibiotics, but he didn't. So, sunday she woke up with a, just as swollen, if not more swollen face. So i gave the dentist a call. He said she would not be swollen because of molars coming in and that she most likely has an infection. He prescribed amoxicillin which almost immediately helped to reduce the swelling. So monday morning, I brought her to the dentist and he took xrays of the sore side and then called me into the room to discuss things. He told me the last thing that I ever expected to hear.........that the tooth he already did a filling on is very badly infected and needs to be extracted. He proceeded to explain that sometimes when they do a filling so deep, it can rarely cause an infection like that, but that it usually happens within the first couple of weeks........SHE HAD THIS FILLING A YEAR AGO!!!!!! So, imagine my confusion/frustration. I started asking a million questions. It's a back tooth so thankfully, you won't be able to see it!!!! So, then i guess next week sometime, she will have to go back and get a small space maintainer put in, to hold the spot for the adult tooth, so that her teeth dont shift. I came home and cried my eyes out to Matt. i was so upset. The dentist said the root is so small, that it will come out so easily and provide her with immense relief. We have to wait until Thursday, because he said it was very badly infected and he wanted to continue on the antibiotic for a couple of days. He said they don't do root cananls on baby teeth, because they usually fail and you have to end up extracting the tooth anyway. If i could go back in time, I never would have handed baby Emily the toothbrush and let her do it on her own. After she got the cavities filled i have been crazy with the kids' teeth. They don't eat any chewy candy's or gummy snacks, I brush their teeth (not them), and i floss all the teeth i can. So, that was bad day number one. I do feel better about 2 things........1- the dentist said she will probably feel so much better than worse and 2- that it's a back tooth and you can't see it!!!! Bad day number two is going to be Thursday when they pull it. Bad day number three is going to be on Friday when i have my eyelid surgery. And guess what everybody, I only get a valium!!!!! Yes- no iv sedation or anything. i will be sitting upright in a chair. AWAKE. FULLY AWARE. when i start to think about, I feel like im going to have a heart attack. I feel really bad for Matt, because he has to come with me. I'm terrified. I don't understand how they think one can stay awake and relaxed with a knife coming at their eye. I'm going to Will's eye and know that I am in good hands, but still. Anyway, i have to stop thinking about it because I don't want to!!! lol. And to top it all off, a winter storm is coming and it's supposed to snow thursday and friday and i don't want to put off any of the above mentioned tasks because I don't want to worry about them anymore. So, you now know why i want this week to be over.
On a lighter note, Aunt Sammy and Jordan came down on sunday and stayed until Tuesday. We had alot of fun. Jordan is so, so big compared to Nicholas. I cant believe the difference. He also now has a full head of dark brown hair. Last time i saw him (about 3 months ago), he had a tiny amount of blond hair. It's amazing how much babies change in such a short amount of time. He is a crazy, loud, mischievious,little man who is almost always doing something bad, but I love and miss him to pieces. I will post pictures when I have time. I have to get the kids a snack!!! Thanks for letting me vent!!!
On a lighter note, Aunt Sammy and Jordan came down on sunday and stayed until Tuesday. We had alot of fun. Jordan is so, so big compared to Nicholas. I cant believe the difference. He also now has a full head of dark brown hair. Last time i saw him (about 3 months ago), he had a tiny amount of blond hair. It's amazing how much babies change in such a short amount of time. He is a crazy, loud, mischievious,
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
This is going to be an extremely boring post for everyone but me, so if you have something important to be doing-go do it ;)......Anyway, i wanted to do a post about the kids schedules at this point in time, so i can remember what my days were like at this specific juncture.......
*on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays Emily has preschool from 9am to 12pm. So on these days, we wake up, get milk, have breakfast, brush teeth, play a little, get Emily dressed, do her hair, and we're out the door. Then, me and the boys come home, i get them dressed, and then Nicky goes down for a nap until about 11, (I can't BELIEVE he still takes a morning nap. Emily and Alex were so done with morning naps by this age and were only taking afternoon ones). Then around 11:30am, we get ready to go get Emily. We get home around 12:15pm and then we have lunch, clean up lunch, and play until around 1pm, and then I put Alex down for a nap. some days are better than others. Then we wait for him to fall asleep, then around 2pm, Nicky goes back down. They're both up around 4pm. Then we have dinner around 6pm. on bath nights, we go upstairs around 7pm and they all take a bath together.....for now- when Emily starts kindergarten in the fall, i think she'll start taking baths by herself. they all just have so much fun together and they all still fit. so.....i don't know whats gonna happen. Anyway, after baths, we usually all go in the boys' room and get lotioned up and then i put they're jammies on. Then, we usually go back downstairs, finish our milk, and play and/or watch a show. Then, we go back upstairs to brush teeth, say our prayers, and get into bed, usually aroud 8pm......until summer when it stays light until 9pm!!! I've been trying to read to them more before bed. We read stories throughout the day, but, and i feel guilty about it, we dont usually read right before bed. Everything is always so rushed. But we're trying. One of their favorite books is from Aunt Jill and Uncle tators. It's called the belly button book and they absolutely loveee it. Emily has it memorized and can read it to us!!! And in between all that good stuff above is cleaning, changing diapers, cleaning kid potties, breaking up fights, trying to play outside, going to the store, amongst many other things. So, anyone who says being a stay at home mom is easy, well, ITS NOT!!!! but i wouldn't have it any other way, and i feel so lucky that i get to stay home with them, but it does require aLOT of patience!!!
*on days Emily doesnt go to school, we do all the same things as above, except we don't take her to and from school, and everything usually moves at a slightly slower pace.
*I completely believe in schedules and feel EVERY baby needs one. All my babies were on pretty regular schedules starting around 4 months, which is when i started the sleep training. And from then on, i kept eating times, naps, and bedtime routines pretty consistent and i believe its because of this i have 3 awesome sleepers and they have been since they were babies. Of course you have to alter their schedules as needed due to growing babies, and them cutting down on naps, but as long as you stay pretty regular, they should adapt.
*I also want to add that when i first had Emily plenty of people said, "oh don't worry, it will get easier"............well, those people were obviously never parents, because it doesn't get easier, it just gets different!!! Each stage of growth presents itself with new challenges. When one difficult stage passes, a new one begins!!!
Ok, I'm done now. For everyone who fell asleep reading this, you may wake up now. I am done with all the boring stuff that you never wanted to know about!!!! I promise to post something more exciting next time!!! Ill leave you with a few pictures.
*on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays Emily has preschool from 9am to 12pm. So on these days, we wake up, get milk, have breakfast, brush teeth, play a little, get Emily dressed, do her hair, and we're out the door. Then, me and the boys come home, i get them dressed, and then Nicky goes down for a nap until about 11, (I can't BELIEVE he still takes a morning nap. Emily and Alex were so done with morning naps by this age and were only taking afternoon ones). Then around 11:30am, we get ready to go get Emily. We get home around 12:15pm and then we have lunch, clean up lunch, and play until around 1pm, and then I put Alex down for a nap. some days are better than others. Then we wait for him to fall asleep, then around 2pm, Nicky goes back down. They're both up around 4pm. Then we have dinner around 6pm. on bath nights, we go upstairs around 7pm and they all take a bath together.....for now- when Emily starts kindergarten in the fall, i think she'll start taking baths by herself. they all just have so much fun together and they all still fit. so.....i don't know whats gonna happen. Anyway, after baths, we usually all go in the boys' room and get lotioned up and then i put they're jammies on. Then, we usually go back downstairs, finish our milk, and play and/or watch a show. Then, we go back upstairs to brush teeth, say our prayers, and get into bed, usually aroud 8pm......until summer when it stays light until 9pm!!! I've been trying to read to them more before bed. We read stories throughout the day, but, and i feel guilty about it, we dont usually read right before bed. Everything is always so rushed. But we're trying. One of their favorite books is from Aunt Jill and Uncle tators. It's called the belly button book and they absolutely loveee it. Emily has it memorized and can read it to us!!! And in between all that good stuff above is cleaning, changing diapers, cleaning kid potties, breaking up fights, trying to play outside, going to the store, amongst many other things. So, anyone who says being a stay at home mom is easy, well, ITS NOT!!!! but i wouldn't have it any other way, and i feel so lucky that i get to stay home with them, but it does require aLOT of patience!!!
*on days Emily doesnt go to school, we do all the same things as above, except we don't take her to and from school, and everything usually moves at a slightly slower pace.
*I completely believe in schedules and feel EVERY baby needs one. All my babies were on pretty regular schedules starting around 4 months, which is when i started the sleep training. And from then on, i kept eating times, naps, and bedtime routines pretty consistent and i believe its because of this i have 3 awesome sleepers and they have been since they were babies. Of course you have to alter their schedules as needed due to growing babies, and them cutting down on naps, but as long as you stay pretty regular, they should adapt.
*I also want to add that when i first had Emily plenty of people said, "oh don't worry, it will get easier"............well, those people were obviously never parents, because it doesn't get easier, it just gets different!!! Each stage of growth presents itself with new challenges. When one difficult stage passes, a new one begins!!!
Ok, I'm done now. For everyone who fell asleep reading this, you may wake up now. I am done with all the boring stuff that you never wanted to know about!!!! I promise to post something more exciting next time!!! Ill leave you with a few pictures.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
These are picture from Christmas 2007. This was Alex's 1st. This was also the Christmas that i went totally overboard and bought everything that toys r us had on the shelves!!!

Merry 1st Christmas buddy bear.
Holding hands...
This picture was too funny not to include!
These are pictures from Emily's 3rd birthday. This was her 1st birthday cake i attempted to make. It was supposed to be wubbzy on the top, but you can't really tell in the pictures. It tasted good and the babies liked it, so that's all that counts!!! We just had close family over and had pizza for dinner...
These next pictures are from Alexander's 1st birthday. I did not make the cake, obviously. I feel the 1st birthday cakes are too important for me to mess up!!!
I love that face!
These are pictures from Thanksgiving 2007. This was Alex's 1st Thanksgiving....read his shirt!!! There are also a couple of pictures from the days leading up to Thanksgiving. Enjoy.
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